Advanced Assisted Reproductive Therapy (AART)

The GLOSTA (AART) Solution

A Complete end-to-end Livestock Management & Herd Expansion System, designed and delivered by the world’s leading scientific teams

The world-leading team at GLOSTA Sciences Management provide cutting-edge Advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (AART) services to optimize livestock breeding, improve genetic diversity, and enhance herd productivity.

Our advanced solutions, supported by world-leading scientists and associated IP, empower governments, breeders and farmers to achieve superior reproductive outcomes, ensuring healthier, high-performing animals for the future.

Led by Dr Rajneesh Verma, a Monash University alumni and renowned Geneticist, the Livestock Sciences division specialises on delivering 5 key innovation and commercialisation streams, with a focus on improving livestock and agricultural performance.

Benefits of The Technology

The key deliverables for the GLOSTA AART protocol, particularly within the Global South are focussed on rapid development of national herds, with specific emphasis on genetic diversity and sustainable growth.

1. Gender Selection

The GLOSTA Technology allows in-lab gender selection for all embryos ensuring that customer demand is met specifically, with a very high rate of accuracy.

4. Significant Sustainability practice improvements

The GLOSTA technology allows the License holder to control the critical pathways to successful offspring, by removing all naturally occurring timelines in the fertilization process.

The ability to generate viable embryos on a daily basis, and impregnate on demand, with gender specificity ensures that all cost inputs required to generate a healthy offspring can be considerably reduced – as a direct result of the significantly minimised time required to generate and confirm a pregnancy.

7. Drastically increased number of offspring per female

The technology allows the harvesting of eggs from viable, elite females, every 14 days (for cows, with a quantity of 40 eggs), and 30 days (for goats, with a quantity of 8-10 eggs) without the need for slaughtering or stressful intervention.

Once fertilized with the semen of a selected bull, these verified, viable and gender-specific eggs, once fertilized, can be inserted to a surrogate female for immediate confirmation of pregnancy, verified via ultrasound within 14 days.

10. Efficient storage & management of elite embryos

The technology allows for the safe and effective storage of elite embryos in industry standard equipment, in lab, for a range of specific pure-breed, cross-breed or market specific demands. The embryos can be maintained in storage ad-infinitum, given proper protocols being followed.

2. Very High Pregnancy Rate

Due to the lab-directed specific selection criteria, the quality of the embryo is checked and verified before being implanted in the surrogate female, ensuring high-quality offspring at a very high rate of successful pregnancy upon insertion.

5. High quality offspring can be produced from any surrogate female

The technology allows the impregnation of a verified, high quality, breed-specific animal to be implanted for incubation within a low-quality animal.

The offspring will be genetically diverse, of high-quality, and bred to specification – ensuring that the low-quality animal provides productive contribution to the supply chain including offspring, milk and associated offtake.

8. No quarantine controls

By developing and controlling the fertilization process in-lab, the needs for quarantine within domestic, and international settings, is completely negated. The deliberate and controlled pregnancy is generated without any physical transfer of live animals, therefore reducing disease risk to near zero

3. Climate Resistant breeding & herd development

By controlling the key attributes of specific breeds in the fertilization process, the offspring can be bred to obtain the highest level of drought-resistance (ie: Boer Goat bred specifically from Indian/African genetic lines, specific to Rwandan/African conditions) and climate-specific attributes, confirmed and verified prior to insemination and pregnancy

6. Precise Timing & drastically reduced duration of certain impregnation

The technology allows the precise control of all elements of the reproductive cycle, without the need for any genetic modification or intervention.

In current A.I or natural approaches, the successful pregnancy is reliant on natural ovulation cycles, successful insemination and a long waiting period of approximately 2 months before the successful pregnancy can be verified. Further, the gender, nor quality is not known until birth 9 months later.

The technology provides for immediate confirmation of a pregnancy upon insemination, verified via ultrasound after 14 days with known gender and quality at the time of insemination

9. Seamless transportation of elite embryos across borders

The technology inherently provides for the rapid, efficient and logistically simple transfer of verified embryos across internal and external borders

Advanced Assisted Reproductive Therapy

Specialising in improving livestock and agricultural performance, the Livestock Sciences division focuses on five key innovation and commercialisation streams. These include programs dedicated to conservation and genetic preservation.

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Building A1
Dubai Digital Park
Dubai Silicon Oasis
Dubai, UAE

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